on from 01/08/2018
Headquarters: Warszawa
Activity area: Poland
Year of foundation: 2010
Full company name: KPMG
Registered auditors number: no registered employees
Website address: Show
Phone number: Show
Country: Poland
City: Warszawa
Address: Inflancka 4A
Zip code: 00-189
Province: Mazowieckie
Branch office: Poznań
Branch office
Country: Poland
City: Poznań
Address: Roosevelta 22
Zip code: 60-829
Province: Wielkopolskie
Branch office: Gdańsk
Branch office
Country: Poland
City: Gdańsk
Address: al. Zwycięstwa 13A
Zip code: 80-001
Province: Pomorskie
Branch office: Łódź
Branch office
Country: Poland
City: Łódź
Address: al. Piłsudskiego 22
Zip code: 92-230
Province: Łódzkie
Branch office: Wrocław
Branch office
Country: Poland
City: Wrocław
Address: Szczytnicka 11
Zip code: 50-382
Province: Dolnośląskie
Branch office: Katowice
Branch office
Country: Poland
City: Katowice
Address: Francuska 34
Zip code: 40-027
Province: Śląskie
Branch office: Kraków
Branch office
Country: Poland
City: Kraków
Address: 03 Business Campus, ul. Opolska 114
Zip code: 31-323
Province: Małopolskie

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